Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Board 43, 7 December, Tbilisi, Georgia

The Forty-Third (43rd) Meeting of the Governing Board of the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) convened on 7 December 2016 at Shota Rostaveli National Science Foundation in Tbilisi, Georgia. The Governing Board representatives from the European Union, Ukraine, and the United States of America, were joined by the STCU executive management team, and by representatives from the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan and Moldova.

At this 43rd meeting, the Governing Board approved one (1) new government funded scientific project for a total of $2,558,688. The Governing Board also confirmed thirteen (13) new Partner Projects valued at $365,377 and ˆ1,335,887, and confirmed twenty-one (21) Partner Project contract extensions valued at $2,335,767 and ˆ451,077.

The Governing Board also approved the 2017 Administrative Operating Budget and Supplement Budget requests from the STCU Secretariat.

The Governing Board confirmed the one-year extensions of both the Executive Director, Mr. Curtis "B.J." Bjelajac, and the Senior Deputy Executive Director, Mr. Ihor Lytvynov.

The 43rd STCU Governing Board meeting is the third time that the STCU Governing Board has met in Georgia. The STCU Governing Board also convened on June 16, 2005 for the Twentieth (20th) STCU Governing Board Meeting, as well as on May 27, 2010 for the Thirtieth (30th) STCU Governing Board Meeting. On 18 March 1998, the Government of Georgia officially acceded to the STCU Agreement and became a Party member of STCU. The STCU Information Office was officially opened in Tbilisi on 23 May 2001. Prior to this 43rd Governing Board Meeting, the total amount of STCU activity in Georgia is as follows:

  • Number of Approved STCU Projects: 183 Projects
  • Total Project Funds Approved: $17,260,846.
  • Total Number of Georgian Scientists that have benefited from STCU projects: 1,329 scientists

About STCU: The STCU is an intergovernmental, non-profit organization created with the goal of aiding unemployed or underemployed scientists previously working on the development of weapons of mass destruction. It was created and is governed by the 'Agreement to Establish a Science and Technology Center in Ukraine', originally signed by the governments of Canada, Sweden, Ukraine and the United States of America. Subsequently, Sweden was replaced by the European Union as a Governing Party; Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, and Uzbekistan have also acceded to the STCU Agreement. In 2013, Canada withdrew from the STCU Agreement.

Over the past 20 years the STCU has invested over $285 million in funding and managing 1,850 R&D projects in areas such as energy, agriculture, medicine, material science, aerospace, physics, and other areas. All major research and development institutes in the STCU's region of operation have participated in STCU projects, most of which were in collaboration with other international partners. The projects have generated high-quality research and helped bring research to the market place.

The STCU Governing Board convenes on a semi-annual basis to determine the Center's policies and funding for scientific projects and supporting activities. The STCU Secretariat, located in Kyiv, Ukraine, is the main body responsible for fulfilling STCU decisions and policies on a daily basis.

The total STCU project funding to date, including funding from this 43rd STCU Governing Board Meeting, now stands at approximately $289.1 million, with the donors contributing the following amounts: Canada - $10.0 M, U.S.A.- $81.1M, European Union - ˆ53.5M ($66.5M), Non-Government Partners Sector - $52.2M, Government Partners Sector - $76.6M and Other (Japan, Sweden) - $2.7 M.

Board 43, 7 December, Tbilisi, Georgia

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