Thursday, 13 March 2025


On November 10th and 17th, 2021, the Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (TSNU) hosted a two-day online training organised jointly with the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) to disseminate knowledge on national and global security. This activity took place in the framework of the Targeted Initiative (TI) on CBRN Export Control on Dual-Use Materials and Intangible Technologies in GUAM Countries at STCU, financed by the EU.


Speakers at the training were Dr. Maria ESPONA, Project Manager of the TI, Dr. Jean Pascal ZANDERS, International Expert of the CBRN, Doctor of Political Science, Head of The Trench, and Dr. Quentin MICHEL, Professor of Political Science, University of Liege.

The first day of the training was devoted to disclosing the basics of the CBRN, the peculiarities of export control of materials and technologies of dual-use, and discussing state regulation of the CBRN of goods and technologies. The second day of the training focused on the general concept of strategic trade control, the concept of academic proliferation, and technology transfer.

To the training attended 85 people representing the faculties and institutes from TSNU, and representatives of other Ukrainian universities, among them:

  • 1. Educational and Research Center "Institute of Biology and Medicine" of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
  • 2. Educational and Scientific Institute of Law of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
  • 3. Educational and Practical Center for Renewable Energy of Kyiv Vocational College.
  • 4. Vinnytsia National Technical University.
  • 5. Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
  • 6. Institute of High Technologies of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
  • 7. Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs.

During the training, there was an active discussion on these issues:

  • Introduction to the concept of dual-use in various aspects; discussion of regularities of technology transfer related to CBRN; discussion of transmission risks;
  • Review of international agreements and international organisations relevant to dual-use technology management and technology transfer;
  • International obligations, their implementation into national laws and rules; the responsibility of companies, research institutes, universities and individuals for transferring dual-use technologies; and
  • Academic proliferation: how to reduce risks.

Upon completion, the training participants received certificates.

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