Wednesday, 05 February 2025

STCU News and Announcements

EU INSC Actions for Serbia

20 Feb 2020
EU INSC Actions for Serbia

Kyiv, 19 February 2020
European Union Instrument for Nuclear Security Cooperation
Delegation Agreements INSC/2018/398-433 “Support of the Establishment of Effective and Efficient Nuclear Materials Safeguards in Serbia” and INSC/2018/399-463 “Strengthening of Nuclear Materials Safeguards in Serbia”

The nuclear safeguards system contributes to the insurance of the civil use of nuclear applications and the prevention of unauthorised use of sensitive materials. The European Union (EU) has initiated two Actions (INSC/2018/398-433 and INSC/2018/399-463) as a part of EU contribution to the international efforts to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. These two actions are aimed at the support and strengthening of several aspects of nuclear materials safeguards in Serbia. The EU allocated total ˆ 2 427 000 for the implementation of the two actions.
The Delegation Agreements (DA) INSC/2018/398-433 and INSC/2018/399-463 entitle the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU; see: as the DA implementer. STCU is implementing the Actions under the DA in close cooperation with a beneficiary and the end-user in Serbia - the Public Company Nuclear Facilities of Serbia (PC NFS; see PC NFS, in charge of the nuclear safeguards, needs to improve measurements, inventory and control of movements of nuclear materials at Vinča site (Vinča, Belgrade, Serbia) in line with the best EU practices. The intended support is contributing to the strengthening of the PC NFS technical capabilities for solving problems with characterization, transport, and storage of nuclear materials as well as to the PC NFS personnel training in nuclear material accountancy and control (NMAC).
During the implementation of the Actions, STCU has procured and supplied detection, identification, transport, and storage equipment, and provided basic training in NMAC and on the use of the provided equipment. The list of the provided equipment includes the following: a gamma detector, a laboratory HPGE spectrometer, a gamma camera, handheld HPGE spectrometers, CZT spectrometers, alpha spectrometers, radioisotope identifiers, multi-purpose digital survey meters, neutron dosimeters, neutron spectrometers, transport and storage containers, and a vehicle for transportation of radio-nuclear materials.
For more information, please contact Petro Mutovkin, tel.: +380 44 4907150; email:
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Contact Person: Peter Mutovkin

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