STCU News and Announcements
The STCU is pleased to present the video of the Train the Trainers Course on CBRN Emergency Medicine conducted within the European Union Centres of Excellence (CoE) Project 088. This training course was designed to give delegates the knowledge and skills to work safely in a CBRN environment.
©European Union, 2022
This video was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of STCU and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
©European Union, 2022
©European Union, 2022
The video of the Train the Trainers Course on CBRN Emergency Medicine
386/49513 Dec 2022
The STCU is pleased to present the video of the Train the Trainers Course on CBRN Emergency Medicine conducted within the European Union Centres of Excellence (CoE) Project 088. This training course was designed to give delegates the knowledge and skills to work safely in a CBRN environment.