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Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Partner Program

The STCU is proposing to you a variety of research funding opportunities(grants, programs, partnerships)
A second opportunity is a translated Broad Agency Announcement for peaceful fundamental research support

STCU is ideally positioned to match an unexploited supply of scientific and technical expertise to meet your commercial and non-commercial needs.

Through its primary mission of nonproliferation of WMD expertise, the STCU conducted a large number of projects in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and Uzbekistan with Partners from USA, European Union.

Since its start in 1997 STCU Partner Program has brought 67 Governmental Partners and 262 Non-Governmental Partners bringing together over 329M dollars into S&T projects.

We think that Partners are key to STCU's long-term success. That is why by the joint decision of STCU 37th Governing Board Meeting as of December 13, 2013 the STCU Partner Program will be expanded in the following way to include new opportunities and accelerate new applications.

We are proud to announce that now any company, university or government organization originating from countries outside of STCU Party Countries (for example Canada, Japan, South Korea, Norway, Switzerland, Israel, Turkey, Australia, Brazil and others) may apply for STCU Partner status and can initiate projects through STCU.

All Partners must adhere to STCU's non-proliferation principles, and all Partner projects must go through the standard STCU approval process.

The procedure is as follows: the interested organization from a country that is outside of the STCU Party Countries submits a request to become an Associated Partner of STCU to the Executive Director. The STCU Governing Board's approval of non-party participants to become either Partners or Associated Partners will be approved via a thirty day negative concurrence process. Approved entities originating from Party Countries will be considered as STCU Partners, while those coming from non-Party Countries will be considered as STCU Associated Partners.

The Administrative fee for Associated Partners is set at 15 percent of project value. The fee for Partners originating from Partner States (European Union, USA) is set at 10 percent of project value.

The STCU's Research Partner Program is recognized as a convenient and reliable means by which to meet members of the scientific business community of the former Military Industrial Complexes of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan, as well as a tool to minimize costs while obtaining hi-tech R&D results. More than 200 organizations from various STCU Donor Countries have become STCU Partners. They trust STCU to deliver professional services and obtain the expected level of results from their R&D outsourcing Partner projects. This is made possible due to the work of top-level scientists from leading scientific organizations.

Learn about practical steps required, how to submit Partner Proposal and conclude Governmental Partner Project Agreement or Non-Governmental Partner Project Agreement, and benefit from working with the STCU.
Commercial Contract Research, Academic and Public Research Partnerships

Contact STCU Partner Manager for guidance.

STCU processes personal data in accordance with the privacy disclaimer available here. Where personal data or access to personal data is provided to us in the course of the partner project process (hereinafter referred to as "provision") the act of provision confirms that the above privacy disclaimer had been available and understandable and that the below responsibilities and liabilities are also understood. Where personal data are provided to us by a person other than the data subject itself the person who provides personal data shall bear full liability for compliance with the legal grounds for providing personal data and other responsibilities of the controller under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) with regard to the particular act of provision and shall inform the persons whose personal data are provided to STCU about our privacy disclaimer and its content.

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