Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Principles For Partner Participation

Commitment to STCU's Objectives

The STCU is an intergovernmental nonproliferation program that develops, approves, finances, and monitors science and technology projects for peaceful purposes. The program offers weapons scientists from CIS states that are Parties to the STCU Agreement the opportunity to redirect their talents to peaceful activities. All current and future activities of the STCU will be consistent with these objectives.

Through its projects and activities, the STCU aims to provide impetus and support to participating scientists and engineers in developing long-term civilian career opportunities that will strengthen the CIS scientific research and technology development capacity.

Accept all terms and conditions contained in the Agreement and Statute

The STCU does not engage in commercial activities, but it does support projects that may create conditions that could result in commercial activities once the project is complete and the STCU's support ends.

Market ready technology is not appropriate for inclusion in STCU projects. Support for commercial activities should be sought through other programs. The following types of activities are acceptable under STCU support:

Basic Research
In basic research, the objective is to gain more complete knowledge or understanding of the fundamental aspects of phenomena and of observable facts, without specific applications and products in mind.
Applied Research
In applied research, the objective is to gain knowledge or understanding necessary for determining the means by which a recognized need may be met.
Technology Development
Systematic application of knowledge of research towards proof of technology or concept including development of non-specific application prototypes and processes.
Technology Demonstration
Verification of the viability of research findings through development of prototypes, models, clinical trials, field tests, testing and evaluation, and other efforts.

Scientific/Technical Excellence

The STCU seeks projects that respond to its objectives and exhibit a high degree of scientific and technical excellence.

Partners and Recipients will be freely and solely responsible for their commitments.

Any Partner or Recipient will be fully and solely responsible for the commitments they make. The STCU will not be held liable by third parties for nonperformance of a Partner or a Recipient.

STCU activities focus support on individuals and research teams, not on institutions and equipment.

The STCU supports the redirection of former Soviet scientists and engineers. While many projects or activities may require equipment or travel, the main focus of any activity should be on how to help these scientists and engineers redirect their skills to peaceful activities, not on re-equipping institutes.


The STCU's activities are conducted in a transparent and open manner. The Governing Board and the Secretariat, as the operational arm of the Governing Board, need to be fully informed about all activities taking place under the STCU's auspices. The STCU, however, fully recognizes the need to carefully protect any business confidential or proprietary information that is included in proposals, project reports, or other communications. The STCU encourages all participants in STCU activities to indicate clearly business confidential and proprietary information and will protect such information according to its procedures.

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