Wednesday, 12 March 2025



October 25

Agreement to establish the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine signed by the United States, Canada, Sweden, and Ukraine


May 4

The Agreement to establish the STCU is brought into force by President of Ukraine L. Krawchuk's Decree #202/94


April 1

Ostap Hawaleshka, the first Executive Director arrives from Canada


STCU issues it's first Call for Proposals - Ukrainian scientists submit 346 high caliber R&D project proposals for possible funding


STCU begins operations from a new, fully furnished and equipped independent office building

December 15-16

The STCU Board of Governors hold their first meeting and approve funding totaling $1.7 million for 12 projects, in addition to approving official STCU documents, and a special "Canadian Collaboration Grant Project" for $100,000 to fund work visits to Canada by Ukrainian project scientists involved in projects supported by Canadian funds.


May 10 - 11

Second meeting of the STCU Governing Board, which reviewed 63 projects and approved 37 totaling $4.3 million. A Swedish "Collaboration Project" for $30,000 was also approved.

December 15

Third meeting of the STCU Governing Board, which reviewed 79 projects and approved 36 totaling $4.4 million.


May 15 - 16

Fourth meeting of the STCU Governing Board, which reviewed 74 projects and approved 34 totaling $3.929 million.

December 15 - 16

Fifth meeting of the STCU Governing Board, which reviewed 102 projects and approved 22 totaling $2.6 million.

December 29

Uzbekistan signed the formal accession to the STCU Agreement.


January 1

Leo Owsiacki, the second Executive Director from Canada begins his three year term.

Georgia and Uzbekistan formally join the STCU in early 1998. Their scientists are now eligible to participate in STCU projects.

March 18

Georgia signs the formal accession document to the STCU Agreement

June 8-9

Sixth meeting of the STCU Governing Board, which reviewed 143 projects and approved 24 totaling $3.6 million.

November 4

The Embassy of Japan sends a letter informing the STCU of the desire of the Japanese Government to participate in the in STCU as a Sponsor, and pledges US $1,000,000 to projects.

November 26

Formal Accession Agreement between the STCU and the EU signed

December 10

Seventh meeting of the STCU Governing Board, which reviewed 268 projects and approved 32 totaling $3.8 million.

The European Union joined the STCU in November, 1998. Japan begins participating as a Sponsor and contributes funds to support STCU projects.


May 27

Eighth meeting of the STCU Governing Board, which reviewed 348 projects and approved 20 totaling $3.7 million.

September 20

L.Owsiacki and B.Atamanenko meet with the Director of the Ukrainian Space Agency, Mr. Nehoda, and other executives, together with USA representatives to discuss future collaboration with NASA and STCU.

December 15

The 9th Meeting of the STCU Governing Board, Kyiv, which approved 30 projects for a total of $4.3 million. Also, the Board approved 6 special projects that supported Y2K readiness at nuclear power plants in Ukraine, with a total value of $1.9 million. Approved establishing a joint Branch Office in Georgia together with ISTC and an STCU Information Office in Uzbekistan.

December 15

STCU formally registered by Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a Diplomatic Mission.


June 1

The 10th Meeting of the STCU Governing Board, Kyiv, which approved 47 projects for a total of $6.2 + €0.7 million.

December 7

The 11th Meeting of the STCU Governing Board, Kyiv, which approved 49 projects for a total of $4.9 +€2 million and €0.7 + $0.02 million for Y2K remediation.

December 8

5 year Anniversary of the 1st Governing Board Meeting-Symposium, Kyiv.


June 6-7

The 12th STCU Governing Board Meeting, Kyiv, Ukraine, which approved 41 regular projects for a total of $3.4 + € 1.6 million.

December 5-6

The 13th STCU Governing Board Meeting, Kyiv, Ukraine, which approved 52 projects (including continuations) for a total of $5.7 + € 1.7 million.


February 11

Official opening of STCU Information Office in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

May 20

New electronic short form proposal registration process developed and implemented.

June 11

14th Governing Board Meeting, Kyiv, Ukraine: 61 projects approved for a total of US $6.5 and €1.5 million.

August 1

Yves Carmel commences two-year term as STCU Executive Director.

October 11, 2002, Force majeure declared, which temporarily suspends 180 Ukrainian program activities due to problems with STCU facilities.

October 15-17

STCU conducts first international conference of the Workshop Program, Ecological and Health Threats Associated with Environmental Contamination.


The Ukrainian government offers the STCU a new office building at 21 Kamenyariv Street which eventually leads to the resolution of the building issue and cancellation of force majeure conditions.

December 12

15th Governing Board Meeting: Azerbaijan approved as a beneficiary Party to the STCU Agreement. 48 projects were approved for a total of US $7.2 and €1.4 million.



STCU Secretariat moves into new office building. Force Majeure conditions are ended.


STCU begins new joint initiative with Dr. Richard Weller of Pacific Northwest Laboratories to enhance the involvement of Bio scientists in STCU projects.

April 14-18

CIDA Mission to Ukraine.

June 12

16th Governing Board Meeting in Uzbekistan:

  • 40 regular projects approved for a total of US $4.1 million and EUR ˆ1.5 million;
  • 12 new Partnership Projects approved for a total of US $3.2 million and EUR ˆ30,700;
  • 4 new Partners introduced;
  • John Zimmerman appointed as new Deputy Executive Director (USA);
  • David Cleave appointed as new Chief Administrative Officer (EU).

June 16

Official Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for new STCU Office.

July 16

Official Launch of New STCU Website

September 4

Delegation from the Ministry of Economy, Finances and Industry of France visits the STCU Secretariat.

September 18

Delegation from the Republic of South Africa visits the STCU Secretariat.

October 14-17, Baku, Uzbekistan

STCU Holds the "International Workshop on Biotechnology Commercialization and Security"

October 20-31

CIDA Mission to Ukraine.

October 23

Delegation from Boeing visits the STCU Secretariat.

November 3

Joint Workshop held with the European Commission in Brussels entitled “The Science & Technology Centre in Ukraine as an Instrument for Developing an EU-Ukraine Research Partnership”

November 5-6, Philadelphia, USA

STCU participates in the exhibition-conference entitled “Partnerships for Prosperity & Security: Accessing Innovative Technologies from Russia, Ukraine & Kazakhstan.

November 10-14

Promotional Mission to Spain

December 4

17th Governing Board Meeting in Kiev:

  • 29 regular projects approved (including continuations) for a total of US $3,005,456 and EUR ˆ795,530.
  • 10 new Partners introduced.
  • 12 new Partnership Project activities approved for a total of US $2,701,797 and 6 Partnership Project extensions are also confirmed for a total of US $279,388 and EUR ˆ15,000.
  • Celebration of the STCU’s 10th Anniversary and its reaching the US $100 million mark in investments.


March 23, 2004

France Incubation Signs Agreement with the STCU

France Incubation promises to support the establishment of contacts, exchanges and collaboration between innovation enterprises in France and scientific groups in Ukraine as well as to transfer their expertise to Ukrainian entities and incubators.

June 16, 2004

STCU Office Opens in Baku, Azerbaijan

Lead by Dr. Adalat Hasanov, the new STCU office in Baku begins its mission of aiding the former weapons of mass destruction scientists of Azerbaijan.

June 17, 2004

Eighteenth STCU Governing Board Meeting Held in Baku

The STCU Governing Board approved 42 new regular, government funded scientific projects for a total of US $3.5 million and EUR 1.8 million and confirmed 2 new Partnership Projects since the December 2003 Board meeting valued at US $180,000 as well as 7 Partnership Project contract extensions valued at $1,026,272 & 57,500. This brought the total of all STCU funding over the last eleven years to over $109 million.

August, 25, 2004

Andrew Hood Commences His Tenure as the New STCU Executive Director

Mr. Hood's years of experience and leadership at the US State Department are already proving to be highly valuable in his new position at the STCU.

August 25, 2004

STCU and ISTC Initiate Closer Cooperation

A delegation lead by ISTC Executive Director Norbert Jousten visits the STCU for formal talks on how to improve cooperation between the Moscow and Kyiv Centers.

August 31, 2004

US Senator Lugar Visits the STCU

Senator Lugar, along with former Senator Sam Nunn, was the co-author of the Nunn-Lugar Act which was the driving force behind the U.S. participation in the creation of the STCU.

October 7, 2004

Dr. Landis Henry Commences Tenure as New Canadian Deputy Executive Director

Previously with the National Research Council of Canada Dr. Henry has brought his years of expertise and leadership to the STCU as the head of the Technology Advancement Department.

October 7-8, 2004

Grant Writing Workshop in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

With an audience of over 100 scientists from the Caspian Sea Region the event focused on strengthening researchers' skills in approaching Western funding organizations to obtain financial support for their basic and applied work.

November 15-19, 2004

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) Mission to Ukraine

Ten companies from across Canada participated in this twelfth CIDA Mission to Ukraine focused on materials and equipment. The companies took part in 67 meetings at 28 R&D institutions organized by the STCU. The result of this latest mission was the signing of 5 new Partnership Projects.

December 7, 2004

Moldova Joins the STCU

Completing the accession process, Moldova becomes the STCU's fifth and newest recipient state.


February 1,2005

Senior Coordinator of Global Partnership Program, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada, Visits STCU

Mr. Allan Poole, Senior Coordinator of the Global Partnership Program, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Canada, paid a courtesy call on Executive Director Andrew Hood and discussed future involvement of the Canadian Global Partnership Program with STCU.

February 10,2005

19th Governing Board Meeting, Kyiv, Ukraine

This meeting was originally scheduled for December 2004. The Governing Board approved 25 regular, government funded scientific projects (including continuations) in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan for a total of US$2,544,835 and ˆ775,000. The Governing Board also confirmed 15 new Partner Projects activities, valued at US$3,829,417.40 and ˆ289,267.00. These projects and associated funding were recorded as 2004 STCU activity.

April 1,2005

Meeting of International Organizations in Kyiv, Ukraine

The European Commission's Delegation to Ukraine and STCU hosted this meeting of international and bilateral organizations to improve understanding of each other's programs and explore ways to more effectively cooperate together. The meeting included the representatives from CRDF, TACIS, the British Council, NATO Information and Documentation Center, Ministry of Education and Science, and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

May 30,2005

First Targeted R&D Initiative between the STCU and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

STCU and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine agreed to co-finance ,as equal partners, science projects totalling US$1 million. Under this Targeted Initiative, former military scientists in Ukraine would participate in research projects targeting several national S&T priority areas of the Ukrainian government. The 21st Governing Board Meeting approved the STCU share of 7 projects under this Targeted Initiative, totaling US$378,050 and ˆ97,560.

May 25,2005

STCU Executive Director meets with Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine hosted this meeting between STCU Executive Director Andrew Hood and Mr. Stanislav Nikolaenko, Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine. The meeting resulted in the creation of three joint working groups to address specific working-level issues and increase communication between STCU and the Ministry.

June 6-8,2005

STCU Promotional Mission - "Nanotrends 2005" Conference and Exhibition, Munich, Germany

STCU led a delegation of Ukrainian nanotech scientists to this event, to become familiar with modern nanotechnology trends and create linkages with German science and industry. The meetings were organized in cooperation with the International Bureau of German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the German Embassy in Ukraine.

June 16,2005

20th Governing Board Meeting, Tbilisi, Georgia

At this first-ever STCU Governing Board Meeting in Georgia, the Board approved 26 new regular, government funded scientific projects for a total of US$3.0 million and ˆ1.2 million. The Governing Board also confrmed 12 new Partner Projects valued at US$1.7 million, and 3 Partner Project contract extensions valued at US$440,000. The meeting also saw the passing of the STCU Governing Board Chairmanship from the USA under Dr. Victor Alessi (who had held this position during the past 2 years) to Mr. Zoran Stancic, Deputy Director General for Research, European Commission.

June 23,2005

Cooperation Statement between STCU and the Academy of Technolog-ical Sciences of Ukraine

STCU and the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine signed a joint statement outlining directions of cooperation where STCU programs and activities could be targeted toward the Academy goals. The Academy is a professional organization of mostly former military-industrial production complexes, working to promote Ukraine's technology transfer capabilities and innovation economy development.

September 11-13, 2005

Environmental Workshop, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

STCU organized this workshop to bring together invited western environmental science experts with Ukrainian scientists, government officials, and industrialists in order to establish environmental research priorities for future STCU-Ukrainian cooperation. Outcomes of the workshop were the identification of environmental research priorities; establishmg effective linkages with key stakeholders, including Ukrainian industrial leaders affected by Ukrainian environmental policies; and engagement of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine.

September 19-29

2005 "NATO Advanced Study Institute: Photon-Based Nanoscience & Technology", Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada

STCU led a delegation of 12 scientist to participate in this photonics conference and organized meetings with Canadian businesses. The went was organized in cooperation with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the University of Manitoba, the University of Sherbrooke, DirectionPlus Inc., and Vitesse Reskilling, Canada.

September 27-28

2005 IPR Workshop in Baku, Azerbaijan

STCU hosted this workshop entitled "Intellectual Property Rights and Science: Buildmg a Business on Your Ideas." Speakers from the United States covered a wide range of IPR topics relevant to researchers see to commercialize their ideas. Approximately 50 Azeri and Georgian scientists and administrators participated, including twenty selected Georgian scientists, and five selected researchers from Ganja, Azerbaijan.

October 30-November 4,2005

STCU Promotional Mission - American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, USA

The U.S. Department of States, in conjunction with ISTC and STCU, sponsored representatives from chemical institutes in Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine to participate in this annual meeting. STCU scientists held meetings with representatives from 19 different U.S. chemical companies and visited the Environmental Protection Agency regional laboratory and the Procter&Gamble Headquarters in Cincinnati.

November 14-18,2005

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) Mission to Ukraine

Nine Canadian companies participated in this 13th CIDA Mission to Ukraine. The mission focused on a variety of R&D areas: biotechnology and medicine, sensors and measuring systems, alternative energy development, material science. The companies participated in meetings at 35 institutions located in Kyiv, Lviv, Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv, Odessa and Sevasopol. As a result, 7 new Partnership Projects were developed. The mission also identified areas for future STCU targeted training, particularly in the areas of license negotiations and contract bidding practices.

November 26,2005

Director General (Research) of the European Commission Visits STCU

STCU Executive Director Andrew Hood hosted Mr. Achillaes Mitsos, then Director General of Research for the European Commission. That was the first time Mr. Mitsos visited the STCU Headquarters, and he and the STCU Executive Director discussed various aspects of the European Commission's fruitful participation in the STCU activities, perspectives on Science Centers' concept, and possible future directions.

December 2,2005

Michel Zayet Appointed New Deputy Executive Director from the European Union

Previously working for the European Commission (DG External Relations), Mr. Zayet brings his expertise in Development Projects gained in the fields of Investment & Financial Services, Enterprises Restructuring, and Support to High Technologies. As of January 2006, he will lead the Science Excellence Department of the STCU.

December 2,2005

2lst Governing Board Meeting, Kyiv, Ukraine

The STCU Governing Board approved 25 new regular, government funded scientific projects for a total of USf1,996,975 and ˆ1,311,900. The Governing Board also confirmed 9 new Partner Projects valued at USf1,776,012 and ˆ100,500, and confirmed 6 Partner Project contract extensions valued at US$507,786 and ˆ9,923.

For further information about the STCU's History, please go the STCU news section of the website where you can sort news events by date. The news section of the STCU website can be found here:

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