Wednesday, 12 March 2025


The STCU organizes Workshops for scientists of the STCU recipient countries with the purpose to assist them in their sustainability efforts. From the presentations and discussions scientists obtain an improved understanding of Intellectual Property Rights, licensing and other related issues which will help them in commercializing their technology, exploiting intellectual property and finding partners. The following Workshops were held recently:

Commercialization of intellectual property: new opportunities
  • Kyiv, Ukraine
  • 50 participants
  • Special issues of Intellectual Property journal
Intellectual property rights and science: building business on your ideas
  • Baku, Azerbaijan
  • 30 Azeri participants
  • 20 Georgian participants

Strategy of Intellectual Property Management

On March 14 the STCU held the seminar for scientists entitled "Strategy of Intellectual Property Management". The seminar was designed in the framework of the STCU training programs assisting scientists in their sustainability efforts.

64 project managers and patent specialists from all over Ukraine participated in this event. 47 R&D organizations were represented.


The STCU holds seminars for Project Managers on regular basis in Kiev and in the regions as well. The STCU specialists advise scientists on grant-writing, project management and also on administrative and financial regulations of the STCU. The topics of such seminars are the following: Project procurement cycle, Customs clearance by the STCU, How to write a Financial Report, IT group recommendations and support under project agreement preparation, etc.

Twice a year seminars for the STCU Regional Office Managers are organized with the purpose of informing them about new STCU procedures, policies and management decisions, introduction new staff, etc. The STCU representatives in Ukrainian offices, as well as in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Uzbekistan get an opportunity to discuss project management and administrative issues, resolve their particular problems and communicate their need to the management.

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