Wednesday, 12 March 2025

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Business Link training company has developed and produced for the STCU three multimedia educational programs for scientists on CDs and DVDs.

Educational multimedia program on CD EFFECTIVE PRESENTATION SKILLS is the first training addressing needs of a scientific researcher by analyzing practical situations and using real life case studies. Excellent visuals and printable manuals in both English and Russian have made the training a valuable tool for scientists participating in Road Shows, Conferences and Seminars within the STCU Partnership Program.

EFFECTIVE NETWORKING SKILLS DVD will help scientists to get more benefit from networking events and to achieve business-related goals during networking situations. This DVD has become very popular among scientists due to the video illustrations which are diverse, dynamic, relevant and engaging. Here are some of the topics covered in the DVD: Building Rapport, Cultural Differences, Body Language, Small Talk: Topics and Taboos, Networking Basics, How to be a Great Contact, Networking at Conferences, etc. Whilst the narration provides an overview and advice on how to enhance networking skills, the manual that can be downloaded from the DVD offers more detailed examples and useful language.

The double DVD training program NEGOTIATION SKILLS FOR SCIENTISTS provides a full and comprehensive training resource to the improvement and systematizing of Negotiation skills. It has incorporated new and very exciting interactive video choice elements, where viewers can select a multiple choice answer to see the corresponding video action resume, thereby showing the outcome of their response. In the first part of this training course we can look at the various stages in the negotiation process, at how to best use the language to our advantage, at the role of correspondence and deadlines in the negotiation, and at how to close a deal. In the second part of the course shows variety of tactics and techniques aimed at securing a successful outcome, as well as how to counter deceiving strategies other people may use against us and overcoming other obstacles during a negotiation.

The abovementioned outstanding features of the training programs make the learning experience of scientists more engaging and facilitate knowledge retention in a relatively time-effective way. The DVDs provide the STCU specialists with excellent materials which can be used at various events, such as training sessions, round tables, seminars, etc.

Contact person: Elvira Sharma (

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