Board 12, June 6-7, 2001
Joint Statement
The Governing Board of the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) convened on June 7 in Kyiv, Ukraine, approving USD $6.056 million and 1.615 million Euro for new scientific projects. The STCU, an intergovernmental organization established by Canada, Sweden, Ukraine, and the United States, and joined in 1998 by the European Union, has been funding projects since December 1995. The main objective of the STCU is to prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction by providing scientists and engineers from the former Soviet Union opportunities for employment on peaceful scientific projects. In addition to carrying out its work in the scientific community of Ukraine, the Center’s membership includes the republics of Uzbekistan and Georgia, where STCU project work has been under way since 1998.
John Boright, STCU Governing Board Chairman, representing the USA, welcomed new Board Members: Yaroslav Yatskiv from Ukraine, Valerie Sirois from Canada, and Ambassadors Andre Vanhaeverbeke and Ake Peterson jointly representing the European Union. Amiran Bezhuashvili, representing Georgia, and Ritsuko Inoue, representing Japan, participated as observers.
The 41 new projects approved at this meeting by the donor Parties bring the total value of such Party-supported projects funded through the STCU to over USD $53.5 million, including 18 new projects valued at over $2.3 million funded by STCU Partner organizations.
Party-supported projects funded at this meeting cover a wide range of research: early medical diagnostics for malignant breast-tumors, water purification from pathogens and medical compounds, metallurgical organic dye films, a composite manufacturing process, remote sensing of vegetation, ceramic thermal barrier coatings, new grain storage technologies, high efficiency exhaust filters, ecologically clean cooling systems, a wind power water pumping prototype, nano-technology for metal surface treatment, a new vitamin D dosimeter, and design of new materials and ceramics for artificial implants and medical tools. These projects will employ 866 scientists, 636 of whom are from former weapons of mass destruction or delivery system programs. This number is in addition to the 7200 scientists supported by the STCU since 1995. The projects will be carried out at institutes in Dniepropetrovsk, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Lviv, in Ukraine, and in Tbilisi, Georgia.
The Board also recognized three new STCU Partner organizations introduced since its previous meeting: U.S. Department of Agriculture/Agricultural Research Service (USA/ARS), Maryland USA, U.S. Department of Defense/Cooperative Threat Reduction (OCD/CTR), Washington, USA, and Breitmeier Messtechnik GmbH, Germany. These entities join the growing number of organizations (total of 68 organizations) funding research and development activities in Ukraine as STCU Partners. The Board also noted with satisfaction that the STCU patent fund has so far supported 14 new Ukrainian patent applications during 2001. The Board was also pleased that the STCU has supported 14 international technical conferences so far this year, including those involving the Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkiv; the Bakul Institute of Superhard Materials, Kyiv, and the Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Yalta.
The Governing Board and Georgian representative expressed their pleasure with the opening on May 23 of the STCU Information Office in Tbilisi, Georgia. This office will support STCU activities and services throughout Georgia, including assistance in developing high quality scientific proposals from former weapon scientists in that country.
Board 12, June 6-7, 2001

GBM Documents
1995: GBM01 | 2000: GBM10 GBM11 | 2005: GBM20 GBM21 | 2010: GBM30 GBM31 | 2015: GBM40 GBM41 |
1996: GBM02 GBM03 | 2001: GBM12 GBM13 | 2006: GBM22 GBM23 | 2011: GBM32 GBM33 | 2016: GBM42 |
1997: GBM04 GBM05 | 2002: GBM14 GBM15 | 2007: GBM24 GBM25 | 2012: GBM34 GBM35 | |
1998: GBM06 GBM07 | 2003: GBM16 GBM17 | 2008: GBM26 GBM27 | 2013: GBM36 GBM37 | |
1999: GBM08 GBM09 | 2004: GBM18 GBM19* | 2009: GBM28GBM29 | 2014: GBM38 GBM39 |
* took place in February 2005