Board 18, 17 June, 2004
Joint Statement
STCU Holds 18th Meeting of its Governing Board in Baku
The Eighteenth Meeting of the Governing Board of the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) convened on 17th June 2004 in Baku, Azerbaijan, approving 42 new regular, government funded scientific projects for a total of $3.5 million and ˆ1.8 million.
The Governing Board also confirmed 2 new Partnership Projects since the December 2003 Board meeting valued at $180,000 and confirmed 7 Partnership Project contract extensions valued at $1,026,272 & ˆ57,500.
This brings the total of all STCU funding over the last eleven years to over $109 million.
The STCU proudly works with our partner in Azerbaijan, the National Academy of Sciences, which has been instrumental in helping aid Azerbaijani weapons scientists and engineers.
On Wednesday 16th June 2004, the Science & Technology Center of Ukraine (STCU) held an official ribbon cutting and opening ceremony for our new Baku Information Office located at the Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan 33H, H. Javid Avenue. The ceremony was attended by various delegates from the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, the press, STCU Governing Board and Advisory Committee members and various visiting scientists and diplomatic officials from the European Union, Ukraine, Canada, the USA, and other STCU affiliated countries, along with STCU management. The Baku office, which is managed by Dr. Adalat Hasanov, is equipped with an internet centre for the use of local scientists.
The Governing Board commends the Government of Ukraine, especially the Ministry of Education and Science for its good faith efforts in pushing for a resolution on the ongoing issue related to the STCU's former facility at 3 Laboratornyi Provulok and looks forward to a complete resolution of this matter in the coming months.
The Governing Board is proud to welcome Moldova's accession to the International Agreement to Establish a Science and Technology Center in Ukraine. The accession of Moldova will officially take place in the near future after all Parties to the Governing Board have given their approval.
The Governing Board is also pleased with the activities in Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and latterly Azerbaijan, which recently acceded over the past year.
The Governing Board also warmly welcomes Mr. Andrew Hood as the new STCU Executive Director. Mr. Hood, who previously worked as the Senior Coordinator at the US Department of State's Science Centers Program, has been working with the STCU and its sister organisation in Russia, the ISTC, for many years and brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the position. The Governing Board wishes Mr. Hood all the best in his new position.
The Science and Technology Center in Ukraine is an intergovernmental, non-profit organization created with the goal of aiding scientists previously working
on the development of weapons of mass destruction. The STCU was created and is governed by the Agreement to Establish a Science and Technology Center in
Ukraine originally signed by Canada, Sweden, Ukraine, and the United States of America in 1993. Subsequently, Sweden was replaced by the European Union.
Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Uzbekistan have also become parties to the agreement. Also, Moldova once its accession becomes official.
The STCU finances projects which convert the military know-how of the scientists of our recipient states into peaceful civilian applications.
Other than regular projects, the STCU also works in a number of other spheres of activity, which include: Matchmaking, Promotional Missions,
Seminars and Workshops, Partnership Projects, Travel Grants and Patenting Support. The STCU's funding of various projects since its creation in
1993 has totalled over US $109 million.
Board 18, 17 June, 2004

GBM Documents
1995: GBM01 | 2000: GBM10 GBM11 | 2005: GBM20 GBM21 | 2010: GBM30 GBM31 | 2015: GBM40 GBM41 |
1996: GBM02 GBM03 | 2001: GBM12 GBM13 | 2006: GBM22 GBM23 | 2011: GBM32 GBM33 | 2016: GBM42 |
1997: GBM04 GBM05 | 2002: GBM14 GBM15 | 2007: GBM24 GBM25 | 2012: GBM34 GBM35 | |
1998: GBM06 GBM07 | 2003: GBM16 GBM17 | 2008: GBM26 GBM27 | 2013: GBM36 GBM37 | |
1999: GBM08 GBM09 | 2004: GBM18 GBM19* | 2009: GBM28GBM29 | 2014: GBM38 GBM39 |
* took place in February 2005