Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Board 20, 16 June 2005

Joint Statement

STCU to Hold 20th Meeting of its Governing Board in Tbilisi

Tbilisi. On Thursday June 16, 2005, the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) is holding the 20th Meeting of the STCU Governing Board. New projects in various fields of science and technology are expected to be approved for funding for the countries of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. Up until May 2005, the donor countries had committed to projects the following funds: Canada - US $3.1m, European Union - US $19.7m,and U.S.A. - US $65.9m; Private Partners Sector - US $10.6, Government Partners Sector - US $17m and Others (Japan, CERN) - US $1.0m for a total of US $117.3. As its contribution Ukraine provides suitable office premises and pays costs associated with maintenance and security.

The 20th Meeting of the STCU Governing Board also saw the passing of the STCU Governing Board Chairmanship from the USA under Victor Alessi; who has held this position during the past 2 years, to the Deputy Director General for Research European Commission under Zoran Stancic.

The 20th Meeting of the STCU Governing Board in Tbilisi is the first to be held in Georgia. The STCU has proudly worked with the Georgian National Authorities in Science and Technology in helping Georgian scientists and engineers convert to peaceful civilian research. Georgian scientists and engineers have received more than US $2,266,000 and EUR ˆ410,000 in financing allocated to 33 different projects employing 333 scientists and engineers since Georgia joined the STCU in 1998. Within the near future, the STCU is also planning to launch a pilot phase of a Targeted Research and Development Initiatives Program (TRDIP) in Georgia similar to the pilot phase initiated several months earlier in Ukraine. Under this Program the Georgian government, together with the STCU's Western donor parties, might co-finance research projects, thereby expanding STCU activities in Georgia beyond the Regular and Partnership Projects already underway. The STCU has also opened an internet cafe at the Sukhumi Institute of Physics and Technology, in Tbilisi, in order to facilitate the research efforts and international networking of Georgian scientists and engineers. Located in the Institute of Mining at 7 E. Mindeli Street in Tbilisi, the STCU's Georgia Information Office is led by Dr. Akaki Peikrishvili.

The Science and Technology Center in Ukraine is an intergovernmental, non-profit organization created with the goal of aiding unemployed or underemployed scientists previously working on the development of weapons of mass destruction. The STCU was created and is governed by the Agreement to Establish a Science and Technology Center in Ukraine originally signed by Canada, Sweden, Ukraine, and the United States of America in 1993. Subsequently, Sweden was replaced by the European Union and Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Uzbekistan have also become signatories to the agreement. The STCU finances projects which convert the military know-how of the scientists of our recipient states into peaceful civilian applications. Other than regular projects, the STCU also works in a number of other spheres of activity, which include: Matchmaking, Promotional Missions, Seminars and Workshops, Partnership Projects, Travel Grants and Patenting Support. The STCU has provided US $117.3 million in funding for various projects since its creation in 1993. For more information on the Center's activities please visit our website at

Board 20, 16 June 2005

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