Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Board 34, 22 June 2012

Joint Statement from the 34th Meeting of the STCU Governing Board

The Thirty Fourth (34th) Meeting of the Governing Board of the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) convened on 22 June 2012 in Chisinau Moldova. The session was hosted by and held at the Academy of Science of the Republic of Moldova. Officials from the STCU Governing Parties of Canada, the European Union, Ukraine, and the United States of America participated in this meeting. Also present were government officials and other representatives from the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration, the U.S. Department of State, the Azerbaijan National Academy of Science, and the Georgian Shota Rostaveli National Science Foundation and the STCU Secretariat.

At this 34th meeting, the Governing Board approved one (1) new regular, government funded scientific projects for a total of $24,937 and ˆ20,050. The Governing Board also confirmed twenty-three (23) new Partner Projects valued at $5,121,213 and ˆ232,687, and confirmed fifteen (15) Partner Project contract extensions valued at $763,597 and ˆ1,089,130. The Governing Board approved twelve (12) STCU-Ukrainian Targeted Initiative projects, totaling of $121,023 and ˆ237,436, with $416,342 in matching funds from the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences and eleven (11) STCU-Georgian targeted Initiative projects, totaling $69,992 and ˆ251,298 with $382,553 in matching funds from the Shota Rostaveli National Science Foundation.

The Governing Board also took various policy and administrative decisions, to improve the efficiency of the centers operations particularly in the context of closer cooperation with its sister center, the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) in Moscow. The Governing Board thanked the ISTC and STCU Secretariats for the identified ways of closer cooperation between ISTC and STCU. Building on the existing experience, the Board endorsed the developed working schedule and noted the various decisions and initiatives already taken for the Centers to work more closely together. The Board asked the ED to develop joint projects with his ISTC counterpart in the fields of scientific and technological support in the area respectively of environmental- and nuclear forensics. It invited the Executive Directors of the two Centers to make the necessary proposals for adoption of the programs at the next ISTC/STCU Governing Board and to report on the progress made on the other ways of cooperation.

The Board also approved a new application and review process to replace its traditional regular project process, and to better focus its targeted initiative project review. In doing so, the Board assured that there will be better coordination and setting of priorities among all the parties.

The Board also examined the Centers efforts in providing assistance in the post Fukushima Japan clean-up, the STCU, again jointly with the ISTC, has issued a call for proposals and looks forward to undertaking joint projects in this area. Similarly, the Center is continuing to broaden its frame of reference and has bid as a member of several consortia on several EU Centers of Excellence projects, and anticipates expanding its activities in this area.

The Board noted the introduction of six (6) new members to its successful Non-Governmental Partners program, Microsat Systems Canada Inc., Chemia Rzemioslo Uslugowe, Prudential Tool Ltd., Acrostak Corporation, Biotensidon GmbH, and The National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM).

Board 34, 22 June 2012

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