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Wednesday, 12 March 2025

How to Apply

In order to compete on an individual level and to increase the chances that a particular event will be addressed by the STCU, scientists interested in participating must provide complete information to the STCU in accordance with the following guidelines.

  1. The applicant is expected to read the web site or announcement for events listed among "Upcoming Events" on this page thoroughly and comply with the rules of the particular event of interest (for example, submit an abstract if it is requested by the given announcement).
  2. Applicant preliminarily registers with the STCU, by announcing by e-mail his/her intentions to participate in the given event to the contact person listed. The e-mail must include a completed Technology Profile form and information on the fulfillment of the event's requirements.
  3. Applicant must work with local organizations/industries in order to arrange supplemental meetings during or following the event. Normally, an event's announcement includes a list of the exhibitors/participating industries, which might be the primary targeted list for arranging supplemental meetings. Information on supplemental meetings is to be provided to the STCU before the deadline for final registration.
  4. Upon providing the information requested in lines 1 to 3 above the applicant is finally registered with the STCU.
  5. Within one month following the deadline for final registration, the information submitted in accordance with lines 1 to 3 will be reviewed by the STCU. The applicant will be informed of the STCU's decision, namely of if a delegation will be sent to a particular event and of whether his/her participation in this delegation will be funded.
  6. Upon receiving a positive decision, the applicant shall be provided with further guidance on preparing for the event including a training session on giving presentations and negotiating. The STCU will directly pay for the registration, accommodation and travel fare of the participant. An appropriate per diem and other expenses (visa, transportation from outside Kyiv) shall be provided directly to participants in accordance with standard procedures. Applicants themselves must follow the visa application process; the STCU will provide a relevant letter of support to the Embassy.
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