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19 - 23 September 2005

Seattle, Washington USA

The International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity (ICOLSE) is concerned with all aspects of lightning interaction with ground, air and sea systems. The conference is one of a series, which occur approximately bi-annually and aims to encourage a real understanding of atmospheric electricity environmental hazards. A full program of papers on topics from phenomenology, through measurement, design, protection, testing and computational modeling will be presented. Authors come from across Europe, USA and Canada, from Russia, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia and Australia.

The 2003 ICOLSE introduced Kerauno Medicine, i.e. the effects on humans arising from direct or near-by lightning strikes. This stream, continues for 2005 and is again being organized by the Australian medical doctor and engineer, Dr. Chris Andrews.

A new topic added this year is the development of composite materials and the effects of lightning on materials. This topic is being organized by materials engineer, Arlene M. Brown, The Boeing Company.

The ICOLSE 2005 Conference will be hosted by The Boeing Company

Web Site: http://www.icolse.org/index.htm

Deadline for final registration with STCU: June 15, 2005

19 - 29 September 2005

NATO Advanced Study Institute: Photon-Based Nanoscience & Technology: From Atomic Level Manipulation to Materials Synthesis & Nanobiodevice Manufacturing, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada

The focus of the ASI will be on challenges in the development of advanced photon based nanotechnologies for the next generation of nanobiodevices for biodiagnostics, therapeutic, environmental and biodefense applications.

First announcement: ASI Photon based nanoscience and technology and Tentative Program

STCU Contact: sergiy.sliusarenko@stcu.int

Deadline for final registration with STCU: May 31, 2005 (extended from April 15)

6 - 8 June 2005

Nanotrends: From Research to Industrial Applications, Nanotechnology Business Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Germany

  • Material Engineering
  • Production Methods
  • Product Innovations

Includes 6 Focused Industry Tracks + nanoTruck:

  • Functional Surfaces and Coatings
  • Advanced Materials & Composites
  • Textiles
  • Health Risks of Nanoparticles
  • Production of Nanomaterials
  • Applications: Automotive, Food ...
  • Energy and Electronics

As well as:

  • Workshop: Fabrication and Application of Nanocomposites

Web Site: http://www.nanotrends.de
STCU Brochure for this event

Deadline for final registration with STCU: April 15, 2005

27 - 29 September 2004

Chemical Science and Commercialization Conference, Moscow, Russian Federation

The ISTC organized and the Bio-Chem Redirect Program funded this Chemical Science and Commercialization Conference. The conference is a cornerstone of the Bio-Chem Redirect Program strategy to support sustainable long-term activity for top priority chem institutes, and introduced our priority institutes to potential Western investors and collaborators.

The STCU brought a delegation of five experts to the conference who participated in the scheduled sessions and a number of matchmaking meetings.

Web Site: http://biistate.net/chemconference/
STCU Contact: iryna.tomashevska@stcu.int

29 September - 9 October 2004, Ottawa, Canada

BIOPHOTONICS: From Fundamental Principles to Health, Environment,Security and Defense Applications, NATO Advanced Study Institute

This Advanced Study Institute was organized in order to build a creative advanced biophotonics research and training environment by bringing together world experts, PhD students and postdoctoral fellows from both industry and university research organizations. The emerging nature of the biophotonics field, its multi-disciplinary character as well as its significant importance to contemporary society require the combination of a deep fundamental understanding of optics, photonics, biology and medicine, familiarization with a large spectrum of advanced engineering technologies, and a collaborative spirit of creativeness and innovation.

The STCU delegation included eleven experts and, in addition to BIOPHOTONICS ASI, participated in: Photonics North 2004 Trade Show, meetings with Canadian SME, and NATO Advanced Research Workshop: Frontiers in Planar Lightwave Circuit Technology.

Presented Technologies: Download

6-9 June 2004, San Francisco, USA

BIO 2004 Annual International Convention

The BIO annual convention is the largest gathering of biotechnology leaders in the world, attracting more than 15,000 attendees and featuring more than 190 sessions, 1,000 speakers, and 1,200 exhibitors. BIO 2004 is one of the most memorable with more than 25 programming tracks on such topics as business development, drug development, manufacturing and regulatory issues.

An STCU delegation including top scientists from ten institutes from Georgia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan attended BIO2004 and participated in the complementary meetings with representatives of the following programs/organizations:

Web Site: BIO 2004
Presented Technologies: Download

5 - 6 November 2003, Philadelphia, USA

"Partnerships for Prosperity & Security"
Accessing Innovative Technologies from Russia, Ukraine & Kazakhstan

"Partnerships for Prosperity & Security" is an open commercial event, featuring technology exhibitions from selected scientists and engineers from Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Russia. An audience of about 500 U.S. industry representatives attended, in order to learn more about business opportunities for technology commercialization in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Russia. The two-day conference, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration, and produced by the United States Industry Coalition (USIC) included a number of distinguished government officials and industry leaders from the four participating countries, while the exhibit featured 100 high technology products ready for commercialization.

Web Site: www.partnershipsforprosperity.net
Presented Technologies: Download

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