Thursday, 13 March 2025

Targeted Initiative CBRN Export Control on Dual-Use Materials and Intangible Technologies in GUAM Countries

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Collaboration and Activities


Seminar on Export Control of Dual-use Materials and Technologies in GUAM. March 14-15, 2018, Kyiv, Ukraine

 Seminar on the Challenges of the Scientific and Technological Evolution for the Export Control Systems.15-16 October, Tbilisi, Georgia

 STCU Spring University on Export Control for the GUAM Countries, 20-24 May 2019, Kyiv, Ukraine

 COnference on Nonproliferation and Dual-use awarENEss, 29-30 August 2019, Ypres, Belgium

STCU training on “Dual Use Goods and Technologies: General Frame, Key Points, MTCR and NSG Technical aspects and Test cases"

Online Train the Trainers Workshop (13, 20 April , 2021, online) 

Training on “Identifying Dual-Use Goods and Technologies in Ukraine” 

Webinar series to Promote Responsible Science in Georgia, Azerbaijan and Moldova. Responsible science in support of improved implementation of export controls 


PDF file Biological Security Education, Awareness, and Outreach as Essential Elements of Strengthening the Review of Science and Technology under the BTWC 




Successful Completion of the Project "Customs Clearance and Customs Control of Dual-Use Goods"
European Union Targeted Initiative on Export Controls of Dual-Use Materials and Technologies in GUAM Countries.
First Students Graduate from a New Master’s Course on ‘Global Politics and Security Studies’ at Caucasus International University (CIU) in Tbilisi, Georgia
STCU and UCCI Host Seminar on Enhancing Export Control Expertise in Ukraine
June 20-22, 2022 – The Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) and the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UCCI) joined forces to organize a seminar focusing on "Topical Issues of Conducting Non-State Expertise in the Field of Export Control in Ukraine
TERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WAS HELD AT CIU. An international scientific conference on the topic: Modern International Security and Weapons of Mass Destruction - Asymmetric Military Challenges and Regional Security Dilemma was held at Caucasus International University on February 14.
Know Your Customer for Emerging Biotechnologies
Targeted Initiative on export controls side event during the 9th Review Conference of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention
TI Update on Export Controls
Know Your Customer for Emerging Biotechnologies
Expansion of the TSNU extra mural Master on “Economic Security of Entrepreneurship” at Taras Schevchenko National University in Kyiv, Ukraine
Know Your Customer for Emerging Biotechnologies
Know Your Customer for Emerging Biotechnologies
European Union Targeted Initiative on Export Controls of Dual-Use Materials and Technologies in GUAM Countries
European Union Targeted Initiative on Export Controls of Dual-Use Materials and Technologies in GUAM Countries
Webinar series to Promote Responsible Science in Georgia, Azerbaijan and Moldova
Responsible science in support of improved implementation of export controls
European Union Targeted Initiative on Export Controls of Dual-Use Materials and Technologies in GUAM Countries
First students graduate from a new master’s course on ‘Economic Security of Entrepreneurship’ at Taras Schevchenko National University in Kyiv, Ukraine
Training on “Identifying Dual-Use Goods and Technologies in Ukraine” Training on “Identifying Dual-Use Goods and Technologies in Ukraine”
Workshop on Radiological Crime Scene Management in Azerbaijan
Workshop on Radiological Crime Scene Management in Azerbaijan
Online Train the Trainers Workshop
Online Train the Trainers Workshop
STCU expands cooperation with Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University New Master’s Degree Program on Global Policy and Security Studies authorized by the Georgian Authorities
CONDENsE Collected Abstracts
CONDENsE Collected Abstracts
Handbook on Georgia's Export Control System
Handbook on Georgia's Export Control System

Promotion in the Republic of Moldova of the Guide on export control, re-export, import and transit of strategic goods

U.N. General Assembly Passes Resolution on Youth, Disarmament, and non-proliferation

COnference on Nonproliferation and Dual-use awarENEss. 28-30 August 2019, Ypres, Belgium

Training on “Identifying Dual-Use Goods and Technologies in Ukraine: General Framework, Key Points on Missile and Nuclear Technologies, and Test Cases”

The Spring University on Export Control for the GUAM Countries, May 20-24, 2019


COnference on Nonproliferation and Dual-use awarENEss

Seminar on Challenges of the Scientific and Technological Evolution for the Export Control Systems in GUAM Countries


Seminar on Export Control of Dual-use Materials and Technologies in GUAM Countries




PDF file Ukraine PDF file Georgia PDF file Moldova
Handbook (PDF fileRO) / (PDF file Eng)




STCU Project Number Tirle of Project Funding Amount Start End
9601 Transfer of Ukrainian technologies of production of advanced materials of dual use to the EU. Barriers and Challenges €120,000.00 2018-09-01 2022-09-01
9602 Outreach to Industry to Raise Awareness of CBRN Export Controls €31,099.00 2018-09-01 2020-03-31
9603 Handbook on Georgia's Export Control System to Raise Awareness of CBRN related Dual Use Items Export Controls €37,536.00 2018-09-01 2020-02-29
9604 CBRN Export Controls Moldova's Handbook: to raise CBRN awareness and dual use export controls €38,652.00 2018-09-01 2020-02-29
9605 Outreach to Industry to Raise Awareness of CBRN Export Controls €30,030.00 2018-10-01 2020-02-29
9606 Development of the Master Program on Economic security of Entrepreneurship €53,450.00 2019-03-01 2020-09-01
9606(A) Development of the extra mural Master Program on Economic security of Entrepreneurship €77,500.00 2020-09-01 2022-09-01
9607 10 year anniversary of the EU CoE CBRN initiative: Have its objectives been achieved? €119,145.00 2019-09-01 2023-09-01
9608 Technical University of Moldova Teaching Module: Engineering and CBRN Non-Proliferation Culture €38,272.00 2020-07-01 2022-07-01
9609 Master's Degree Program in Global Policy and Security Studies €66,525.00 2020-08-01 2022-08-01
9610 Customs and export control terminology and glossary €14,250.00 2021-01-01 2021-06-01
9611 Customs Clearance and Customs Control of Dual Use Goods €146,022.00 2021-06-01 2023-06-01
9612 Development of the Internal Compliance Program for the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine €100,000.00 2021-07-01 2023-07-01



Virtual course

This modular course is for undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate students, academic and other professional researchers in life sciences raises awareness of the responsibility of scientists to address issues around dual use materials, knowledge, and technologies.

The course includes a modular set of slides and an annotated reading list, suitable for individual learning as well as adaptation in academic curricula.

PPT file Ethics Module 1 PPT file Ethics Module 2 PPT file Ethics Module 3 PPT file Ethics Module 4

word file ISTC course Introduction update

word file Life scientists for peaceful researchre ading listv 2

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